Monday, February 21, 2011

The epic experience of WINTER JAM 2011.

Last night at the Sprint Center was probably one of the most epic concerts of all time. 10 amazing Christian bands, 10 bucks, 7 of my best friends, an hour of waiting, and 4 hours of rockin' music. However, you can't fully appreciate how awesome this experience was until you hear the story of the miracle of how we even got in the door.

All 8 of us drove two cars down to the Sprint Center, and by the time we parked (fifty thousand miles away from the building) and walked there, it was about 5:30. We walk up and see THOUSANDS of people in a huge mob of a line literally wrapped ALL the way around the Sprint Center. Um yeah, that is a tonnnnnnn of people. So just like everyone else, we go to the back of the line to wait our turn to get tickets. Meanwhile, there are people walking around saying things like, "It's already sold out, so you might as well get out of line now!"

Well, if you know me, Evelyn, Sara, Erin, Maria, Jane, Bailey, and Miranda, That was not happening. We were not taking no for an answer.

So the line starts disintegrating except for this giant mob of probably a thousand people in front of the doors. By this point we are all freaking out that it's about to start pouring down rain and that we won't be able to get in... So what did we do? We rocked up and prayed. "Dear Jesus, please let it not start raining on us. And please help us get in there to see the Newsboys and David Crowder Band. We love you. Amen." :]

At that point, we saw a huge opening right next to the door and decided to go ask somebody if it was actually sold out. So we asked someone and the answer we got was that there were still seats open but that they were out of actual paper tickets and were getting more. So within 5 minutes of us standing there, we were part of a miracle from Jesus Christ: They opened the doors and starting passing out the last of the tickets.

We witnessed the truth of God's word... "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and a door shall be opened to you." WE LOVE YOU, JESUS.

Once the madness of getting in the door, finding seats, and helping Miranda fix her cut-open toe was over, the concert was fantastic. Best three performances of the night- Kutless, Newsboys, and David Crowder Band.

And my favorite moment of the night was during David Crowder Band's "How He Loves" when we all linked arms and were swaying back and forth singing praise to the One who loves us, forgives us, and died for us.

Unbelievable night. :]

The craziest thing to me was this morning, the day after the concert, I got on the Kansas City Star website to see what they had to say about the concert last night. I click on the Entertainment tab and the first thing to pop up is a review of the Ke$ha concert downtown last night at the same time as Winter Jam. There was absolutely nothing about this phenomenal, huge Christian concert with 50,000 people inside and waiting to get in. Ke$ha VS. David Crowder Band, Kutless, Newsboys, Newsong, RED, Chris August, Chris Sligh, KJ-52, Francesca Battistelli, and Tony Nolan... Hmmm. Interesting.

But nonetheless, the concert was epic. Yay for Jesus Freaks. :]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"I'm getting better at awkward silences!"

AP FLOCK. Or should we just call it "THE best way to spend an hour and a half on a Wednesday night"? Yeah, I think we'll go with that. Well, as always we started off with Happies and Crappies... for an hour... which somehow turned into a discussion about Aaron's college "adventures," Joe's State football ring (that is aparently also a mood ring, it has a button that says things when you push it, and it'll run out of batteries if you don't charge it with your car charger. But watch out, you might get the cords all tangled up), and the brownies that made Brian feel crappy, literally.

Then we split. Guys in the conference room, girls in Sara's office. Somehow we managed to have a somewhat deep conversation about role models despite the random discussions about Sara's friend getting engaged, going to Uncle Tom's Cabin, her friend getting stranded at an airport and ending up meeting an old lady and going to a Matt Maher concert, etc....

So our talk about role models started a little something like this:

Sara: "So somehow this lady got my name and wants me to ask you guys this question and take your picture for the cover of their publication or something."

Jane, Kenz, and me: "Okay... So what's the question?"

Sara: "Describe what you look for in a role model."

AWKWARD SILENCE >>> Staring at eachother. >>> Waiting for someone else to talk. >>> About 2 minutes go by.

Then Sara says, "You guys - I'm getting better at awkward silences!" :]

So as funny/awkward/hilarious as those few minutes were, we actuallycame up with a pretty good list of a few of our role models: Our parents, Sara Batenhorst, Andrew Rockers, Debbie and Dana Nearmyer... That awkward silence actually provided some pretty great thinkin' time... Then we (mostly Jane) came up with this idea that when we think of someone as a role model, it is because they have qualities that we admire and that we wish for ourselves to have. We see something in our role models that we want to try to work toward. These people inspire us, push us, and inspire us to be the kind of people we want to be.

And as I'm typing this listening to Matt Maher on my iPod, I think about how great of a role model he is for those who listen to his absolutely phenomenal music. But as much as he can influence my life, I don't actually know him, unfortunately. Then I think about how many fantastic people God has surrounded me with every single day, who I've grown close to and who truly are my role models. :]