It’s official — I’ve been a college student for three full
weeks. It might seem like a short time, but in those three weeks, I was exposed
to more than I ever had been in my previous 18 ½ years on this planet.
Partying. Drama. All the stereotypical college-life stuff you would expect.
But not participating in these shenanigans wasn’t the hard
part — I’ve made some amazing friends at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus
Center who love to have fun in unique, hilarious ways like playing sand
volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, or going to Dairy Queen. So avoiding the
craziness of the college life isn’t extremely difficult. Where things get tough
is fighting the temptation to judge people who don’t make the best decisions.
I’m being real here — it’s not easy.
Judging is something we all do. It just happens. At least
for me, it’s usually because I want to feel like I’m superior to others. I’m
working with Mary on trying to become more humble. But we all judge for
different reasons.
I had really been struggling with judging many, many people
around me at school. And the Big Man Upstairs decided to throw me help me out,
like He always does somehow.
A few days ago, I was looking for a Mother Teresa quote to
put in my English paper. I was on some quote website, and the first thing I saw
at the top of the screen was this: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Thanks for
that one, God.
we had our first night of catechetical classes at the St. Lawrence Center
yesterday. John-Mark Miravalle (“Teaching
Fellow in the St Lawrence Institute for Faith and Culture,” what a sweet title) taught a class about Virtue and the
origins of happiness. I learned that every single action we commit, good or
bad, has some root of good intentions. Even if I went and stole a necklace from
Macy’s (which I don’t plan on doing, by the way), I could justify that I had
good intentions by saying that I wanted to look beautiful, because beauty is a
good thing and a cause of happiness. So you see how every action is rooted in a
desire to be happy. Therefore, we have
no right to judge anyone, because we all look for happiness in different but
similar ways.
today, I was just scrolling down my News Feed on Facebook, right? Here’s what
comes up this time — a picture that said, “Don’t judge people someone because
they sin differently than you.” Everything came together. And that’s when it really
hit me. I have absolutely no right to judge. Because there are numerous things
that I too could be judged for — they’re just different things that I judge
others for.
it comes down to it, we don’t know everyone else’s lives. We don’t know their
struggles. We don’t know their desires. We don’t know their story.
all in all, judging is not cool. And Mary can totally help us. She’s a rock
star with humility.
Star of the Prairie, pray for us.