Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Hardcore saint crush... He was handsome, he climbed mountains, he served the poorest of the poor, he rocked Catholicism like crazy even when his parents didn't approve, he was an adventurer and a jokester, and (best of all) his gaze will make your heart melt.
Pier was the patron of St. Lawrence Koinonia 18 a few weeks ago, and he absolutely rocked my world. Literally rocked it, because he climbed mountains. Haha. I'm punny...
One of Pier's most well-known quotes is "verso l'alto!" What in the world does that mean? It means "To the heights!" To the heights of what? LIFE.
Life is way more fantastic when it's being lived to its highest potential. Live out loud. That's what Pier challenges us to do.
It's pretty easy to live a chill, boring, comfortable life. But NO. Pier Giorgio says "Flee from every temptation to be mediocre." And Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI tells us "This world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness." Sounds to me like there's nowhere to go but up. Because Pier also said "The higher we go, the better we shall hear the voice of Christ."
To the heights! That means we're constantly looking up — to our Lord for counsel and guidance, to the full potential He has planned for us, to the crazy beautiful life ahead, to the sainthood we're all called to. And the best part is that we're not climbing alone. But we're always climbing.
Just like our Koinonia small group motto: "Sometimes we climb. Sometimes we fall. But we're always hangin' in there. It's the climb." (Insert Miley Cyrus voice singing "The Climb" here.)
It's time to start living out loud. Verso l'alto!